Friday, February 3, 2012

We March

by Shane Evans

Newly published in 2012 this book has beautiful illustrations. It's about a family, who rises early in the morning to march. The setting is in 1963 and there are vivid illustrations of Dr. King and the March on Washington. The words are very simple and the pictures tell the story of hope and perseverance. The pictures also show the value of children who expressed their right to assemble. I also gathered the message of unity and our need to continue to struggle. "The road to freedom is long" was the the written on a sign visible to readers. We will continue to work as we remember those who have sacrificed. This book is perfect for my 2 year old.

1 comment:

  1. This looks so good! I want to start getting these kinds of books into my nieces and nephews hands. Thanks for the recommendations!
