Saturday, September 3, 2011

Absolute True Story of a Part-Time Indian

by Sherman Alexie

So a couple years ago, I had the pleasure of reading this book: The Absolute True Story of a Part-Time Indian. It is about a young teenager growing up as an adolescence living on the reservation while going to the all-white school. It is auto-biographical. Alexie uses humor and whit to reveal the pains and laughs of being the only "Indian" in his school. I am always amazed at a authors ability to share deep themes about identity, especially racial identity through the language that speaks to young adult readers. It is refreshing. It brought me to laughs and tears and spoke deeply to my heart. It is a must read.


  1. Such a good book! I love that it covers some very deep topic without talking down to its intended audience. Everyone can get something out of it, but I appreciate that young adults have something in their section that is this challenging and deep while still being fun and light-hearted.

  2. I completely agree. I LOVE this book! It is rewarding, educational, painful, humorous. And I loved the illustrations too!
